Tag Archive for: N69

Video Documentaries

As part of cataloguing the archaeological works on the N69 Listowel Bypass Project, a set of mini-documentaries were created. Each of these lasts just over 10 minutes.

Making Medieval Charcoal

At Coolnaleen Lower we found several charcoal-production kilns. Charcoal was an important fuel for metalworking in the past.
Dr. Karen Molloy and her team from NUIGAMS

Palaeo-environmental Coring

As part of the archaeological investigations for the N69, palaeoenvironmental specialists Carlos Chique and Karen Molloy from NUIG took a pollen core from Derra West Bog.

From the Bog

In the townland of Gortcurreen, a group of worked timbers and the remains of a stave-built wooden vessel were discovered within the peat.

An Old House at Curraghatoosane

At Curraghatoosane we found the remains of a traditional thatched house that was occupied from the early nineteenth century until the 1950s.