Desk-based Assessments

Developments such as road schemes, power generation, pipelines, transmission networks, housing and commercial developments, aggregates and mineral extraction, and flood relief schemes all have the potential to impact on cultural heritage, including archaeological sites, cultural landscapes and structures of architectural significance. Archaeological sites and heritage structures are generally protected by law, and proponents need to ensure they act legally when encountering these constraints.

AMS has the capability to identify and mitigate the risks associated with cultural heritage. We provide expert advice on cultural heritage issues in the planning process, and deliver bespoke solutions from initial planning stages through to environmental impact assessment, design, procurement and management of excavation and post-excavation works.

By working with the design team from the initial pre-planning stages, and understanding the requirements of the project, AMS can develop and manage timely and cost-effective heritage solutions. Informed advice at this stage can often lead to significant cost saving measures down the track.

Our planning services include:

  • desktop assessments
  • constraints studies
  • route selection studies
  • cultural heritage chapters for EIA reports
  • archaeological and historic building surveys
  • archaeological and cultural heritage conservation plans
  • policy advice and expert witness

Where such work is already underway, we can supervise these studies on behalf of the client and provide objective advice to ensure value for money. We also undertake proactive liaison with the statutory authorities, and advise on compliance with archaeological requirements and the potential costs and programme implications of planned developments.